The Imperative is one of the moods you might find hard to use when learning Spanish as it doesn’t always have the same used as in English. I would advice you not to try to translate literally the sentences where you might find it as the meaning might sound a “bite” rude to you as an English speaker but, believe me, its meaning is not as hard as it may sound, it is softener.
The imperative mood is used to give orders, commands and makes requests.
To conjugate it you will need to know some other tenses such as the Simple Present of Indicative and Subjunctive, and it conjugates on the following persons only: tú, él, ella, usted, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas, ustedes.
I´m going to write the reference to these two tenses so that you can check the information that will follow in this post.
Simple Present-Indicative
Yo | hablo | como | parto |
Tú | hablas | comes | partes |
Él, ella, ustedes | habla | come | parte |
Nosotros | hablamos | comemos | partimos |
Vosotros | habláis | coméis | partís |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | hablan | comen | parten |
Simple Present-Subjunctive
Yo | hable | coma | parta |
Tú | hables | comas | partas |
Él, ella, ustedes | hable | coma | parta |
Nosotros | hablemos | comamos | partamos |
Vosotros | habléis | comáis | partáis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | hablen | coman | partan |
Affirmative form: You’ll need to use the 3er person singular – Simple Present Indicative
Example: habla, come, parte.
Negative form:You’ll need to use the 2er person singular – Simple Present Subjunctive.
Example: no hables, no comas, no partas.
Afirmative / Negative form: You’ll need to use the 3er person singular – Simple Present Subjunctive
Examples: hable, , coma, parta / no hable, no coma, no parte.
Affirmative / Negative form: You’ll need to use the 3er person plural – Simple Present Subjunctive.
Examples: Hablemos, comamos, partamos / no hablemos, no comamos, no partamos.
Affirmative form: You’ll need to use the infinitive of the verb this time and change the -r for a -d.
Example: hablar-hablad, comer-comed, partir-partid.
Negative form:You’ll need to use the 2er person plural – Simple Present Subjunctive.
Examples: no hablés, no comáis, no partáis.
Affirmative / Negative form: You’ll need to use the 3er person plural – Simple Present Subjunctive.
Example: Hablen-no hable, coman-no coman, partan-no partan.
All sentences intended to give orders to a third person (él, ella, ellos, ellas) will be introduce by “que”.
Exemples: Que no hablen con nadie. Que los niños coman antes de las 2. Que tu madre no parta la tarta de cumpleaños.
These is a list of the most common irregular verbs and their irregularities apply only for some of their forms:
Ser – Sé
Tener- Ten
Venir – Ven
These irregular verbs on the “Tú” form are only irregular in its affirmative form, they become regular for its negative form:
di – no digas, haz – no hagas, ves – no vayas, pon – no pongas, sal – no salgas, sé – no seas, ten – no tengas, ven – no vengas
Dar- dé
Estar- esté
Saber – sepa
Ser – sea
Ir – vaya
Dar- dén
Estar- estén
Saber – sepan
Ser – sean
Ir – vayan